
Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults

What is safeguarding?


This is defined as protecting people’s health, wellbeing and human rights, enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. It is fundamental to high-quality health and social care.

Adult at risk

This is a person aged 18 or over in need of care and support, or someone already receiving care and support and, as a result, is unable to protect himself/herself from harm, abuse or neglect.

Child or young person

This is any person, male or female, under the age of 18 in need of care and support, or someone already receiving care and support and, as a result, is unable to protect himself/herself from harm, abuse or neglect.

Who can abuse?

Abuse can occur anywhere such as at home, in a care setting, hospital, college, school, in public places. It could be from:

  • Family members or friends
  • Other patients or those at risk
  • Young people
  • Care workers or volunteers
  • Professionals
  • Strangers

Don’t delay. If you suspect or know that someone is at risk of harm, abuse or neglect, report it immediately! 

Safeguarding is the responsibility of everybody

Types of abuse

There are many types of abuse such as:

  • Physical – hitting, biting, shaking, pushing
  • Sexual – any sexual contact which is non-consensual
  • Emotional – humiliation, intimidation, verbal abuse
  • Neglect – ignoring or refusing basic care needs
  • Self-neglect – inability to care for oneself
  • Discriminatory – values, beliefs or culture results in a misuse of power
  • Institutional – misuse of power and lack of respect by professionals, poor practice
  • Financial – use of an individual’s funds without consent or authorisation
  • Modern slavery – includes human trafficking, servitude and forced labour

These are just some examples of how people can be abused or neglected through actions directed towards them that cause harm, endanger them or violate their rights.

What to do 

If you are being abused, know of someone who is being abused or think someone may be at risk, it is important that you inform the right people.

We want to reassure you that the people who you talk to will take your concerns seriously and are able to provide support, guidance and take action to ensure the safety of everyone.

Please speak to a member of staff who will help you get the help you need. All our staff are trained in safeguarding. 

They will support you!

Who to contact?

Hampshire Adult Community Services: 0300 555 1386

Contact Adults' Health and Care | Health and social care | Hampshire County Council (hants.gov.uk)

Hampshire Child Services: 0300 555 1384 (out of hours 0300 555 1373)

Contact Children's Services | Children and Families | Hampshire County Council (hants.gov.uk)

Adult and Child Services Surrey:  0300 470 910 (out of hours 01483 517 898)

Surrey Safeguarding Boards

Organisation leads


The team will ensure that you receive the appropriate level of support.